The BEST Extra-Curricular That Colleges WANT to See!

The BEST Extra-Curricular That Colleges WANT to See!

The BEST Extra-Curricular That Colleges WANT to See!

Okay...I'll admit it, the title is a little misleading. But that is because there is no top 5 or 10 or anything else for that matter. Colleges do not have a favorite extra-curricular, and if they do, you don't want to go there because they are admitting students for the wrong reason. 

Let me explain...

The point in extra - curriculars is that they are meant to broaden your educational experience. They key and definitive word here is EXPERIENCE. 

Okay, well what is the point?

So, I'm going to ignore the obvious sports related clubs that colleges recruit out of to bolster their sporting success - increasing ticket sales, shirt sales, and generating them publicity, ergo money.

I view the extra-curriculars that students tell me about in one of two positive categories. 


Category A - Passion

Somewhere along the winding road we call life, you found yourself drawn to something. A sport, or a club, or whatever it is, and it interested you enough that you decided to keep doing it every day/week/month for however long. That kind of passion and enthusiasm is like gold dust to colleges, not the specific club. Okay yes, you may have a deep rooted passion for journalism, but they want to know WHY? 

Imagine this scenario - YOU are the admissions officer.

You get 2 applications.

One applicant lists off the 20 clubs they are a part of. Boasting their incredible ability to sign up to things. 

The other applicant talks about their modest club, but explains WHY they are a part of that club, and what it means to them. 

Now as the admissions officer, are you going to even remember clubs 3 through 16 of the first applicant, or are you going to think about the things that you enjoy, asking yourself "What do I love that much?". It leaves a lasting impression.


Category B - Growth

This is without doubt my favorite category to coach people through, and I'll explain why. 

I was in college myself, and I was always looking ahead (For better or worse). In my second year I was talking to a teacher about the two options that I had for my final year elective. One was Advanced 3D Design, and the other was Robotics. He asked me which one I was going to take. I immediately told him I would be taking 3D design. He asked why, and I told him that I was great at it; I had been using the software since I was 12 years old and I could do it with my eyes closed, I was going to nail it and get an A.

He agreed, I was very good at it and I would undoubtedly get an A, likely with my eyes closed. He then asked if I had ever done robotics. I said that I had built a radio from a kit when I was little and that was about it. So he explained that, sure I could do 3D design, get a great grade and get out; but I won't learn anything. If I take robotics, it'll be difficult, I'll have to study; But I'll learn something new and be better for it.

Now obviously I had to wrestle with the fact that I really just wanted the easy A. But I decided to take his advice (mainly because I wanted to impress him in the hopes of getting a job from him after I completed college) and take robotics - even though my friends were doing 3D design. 


Okay you took a different class, so what?

In my own winding story of life, that decision was one of the most influential decisions I ever made and I didn't even realize it.  

From there, my role led me to working in a private school, which then led to me moving to the US, and then getting another job in one of the top independent schools in the state. In that time I met so many amazing people that influenced me and made me into a better person. Which led me to my current career - which I love. 

Now obviously, this isn't going to be the case for everyone. You might try to learn something new and decide that you hate it. But I promise, colleges are looking for people who want to try new things. People who are going to push the boat out and be the next generation of world-changers, and those people don't rest on easy A's, they challenge themselves to grow. 

Now I hope you can forgive the confusion with the title, but these really are the two main qualities that admissions officers are looking for in their new candidates.

If you are applying for college, or thinking about the next steps in your academic journey and want to create the best first impression you can with college's - Get in touch! We are happy to help you get into your dream school! Book in here for a free consultation with ScotReach!

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